New Year Boo!
Hey huns,
I just love you so much. I appreciate your support, and you trust me with your secrets and needs. My desire is that each one of us take time for ourselves. We often find it our duty to care for family, friends, significant others, co workers, children or even pets. What about you? Do you know how important you are, do you know how important your spirit deep within desires to be silent, meditate, and nourished with nutrients. I often will place our Sage & Elm Apothecary on my face, turn off the lights and shower with a meditation playing. After the long hot shower, I allow the meditation to continue and hydrate my skin with my oils......when the lights come on I look and feel renewed. I also ask others to refrain from negativity certain times of the day. I believe in caring for myself first, so I can continue to share so much with others...
Many ask how do I ooze so much sensuality. First I must admit it is not intentional, but it begins with my self-care, awareness of my own body and spirit.....I see you sexy.